Chemistry Sets
So once again it feels as if the band is on the verge of another break-up. This would basically make round 3 of the break-ups, and it's unlikely that it can hold out beyond a 3rd rupture.
The first one was remedied by releasing 5 of 8 members from the group. Making us a 3 piece in need of hiring 2 people. Easy enough, everything was great and we created from there.
The second break-up was over money, ego and taking advantage of people. Much bigger problems. This one was never really remedied other than the day we split, we had a studio session scheduled to come in and record the songs we had written throughout the summer. We agreed to show up and record the music for the sake of archiving our work. We didn't talk, we just played. We played our hearts out.
The next day (or maybe even that night) we all realized that the music is bigger than any of us, and it's too good to walk away from.
The chemistry of the 5 of us, has created something original and pure. We're not trying to be a certain sound, we're just writing for the music and ourselves. That chemistry has glued the core of us together for about 5 years now. But at what point does that glue give out?
At what point do you turn your back to it and shoot the greatest thing you've ever created right between the eyes?
The first one was remedied by releasing 5 of 8 members from the group. Making us a 3 piece in need of hiring 2 people. Easy enough, everything was great and we created from there.
The second break-up was over money, ego and taking advantage of people. Much bigger problems. This one was never really remedied other than the day we split, we had a studio session scheduled to come in and record the songs we had written throughout the summer. We agreed to show up and record the music for the sake of archiving our work. We didn't talk, we just played. We played our hearts out.
The next day (or maybe even that night) we all realized that the music is bigger than any of us, and it's too good to walk away from.
The chemistry of the 5 of us, has created something original and pure. We're not trying to be a certain sound, we're just writing for the music and ourselves. That chemistry has glued the core of us together for about 5 years now. But at what point does that glue give out?
At what point do you turn your back to it and shoot the greatest thing you've ever created right between the eyes?