Monday, March 27, 2006

Myspace wins.

I gave in against my will, and started a myspace account. In spite of the shallow douchebaggery running rampant in friend posts such as, "Hey U R HAWT, we should hook up sumtime. Holla back!!!11" I learned it's actually not bad for networking.

Networking bands that is.

See, people are too jaded to accept band emails even from bands they like. Thanks to penis enlargement, stock market scams and pharmaceuticals, people don't have time for email anymore. But I've learned they looooove myspace.

Yep, that feeling of having friends without the need to actually interact with any of them is oh-so-rewarding. I mean, you don't even have to be present and people just want to be your friend based on your photos or your general info. But probably more on your photos, or because you're a friend of a friend. Myspace interaction can range from virtual patting each other on the back (adding friends), to virtual butt grabbing and full-on sexual innuendo (page posts and messages). It's all a big dumb ego inflater.

I've also learned that if you live in some podunk town in the are drawn to myspace like little hillbilly flies to bathtub hooch. The funny thing is, trailer trash in real life actually displays intself as trailer trash on myspace. My thoughts were that trailer trash in real life, represents itself as such due to budgetary restrictions, and wardrobe limitations of the local Walmart. I mean, online everyone starts with a clean myspace page, devoid of the tasteless virtual yard gnomes and lawn jockeys of the internet. Somehow, trailer trash with internet access seems to love decorating their pages with tasteless sparkly fairies and illegible white ghetto slang words.

Consider my lesson learn'd. It seems that no matter how much opportunity they're given to dress up their wardrobe, or start fresh even trying to mimick a higher society...they're still going to seek out that oversized Tazmanian Devil t-shirt cause they think it's cool, and they're still going to post their "Kiesha luvs Derrek" in big gawdy purple sparkle letters.

...atleast until Derrek gets Shawna Rose pregnant.