Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Turning the Tables

I went out and bought a gift for my father today. Someone who's quietly been suffering from depression due to outside influences in his life. Someone who does everything quietly, and while he doesn't show emotion or ask anything of anyone, it's obvious he misses a close connection with his sons. He used to play music. That was his outlet. It used to energize and calm. Listening to it, playing it, talking about it with his sons was what lit his fire.

Anyway, he selflessly let me borrow his car this week, one in a series of many recent supportive gestures as I rebuild my own life. I sat in the car and noticed he didn't have a single CD in it. I turned on the radio to hear it was on talk radio. It made me sad. Where was his music?

Heading to work, I tossed a CD I had with me into the player only to hear that the last person he lent his car to, had completely blown his speakers out. Seriously, obliterated them to the point where music was unlistenable. Talk radio was the only thing he had. He took the CDs out so he wouldn't get upset each time he needed to feel that energy and couldn't.

Now, I've also got some blown speakers in my own car from a previous owner that I've been dying to remedy for months, but couldn't throw the money into it. He hasn't had the money either. But instead of making my life better, I went out and bought him some high end speakers for his car as a thank you.

Took them back to his place, and started tearing the doors off the car to install them without mentioning it. He noticed I was outside with tools ripping his car apart. He came out, and his face lit up when he saw what I was doing. Here I was, laying down under his car, getting my hands dirty, and my father sat there handing me tools in maybe the first bonding, car repair, dirt-under-the-nails experience we've had like that since I was a teenager.

I haven't seen him this happy in years. We finished the install long after dark, probably close to midnight, and he had to work in the morning. I handed him a stack of CDs of mine that I knew he wanted to hear, said, "here, keep these in there for a while. You're empty."

He wasn't tired from the work. Instead we drove out to fill the gas tank, drive through the car wash and listen to some music. He went to bed really happy tonight.

I will too.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Traps & Blossoms

I'm trying to figure out some things.

Like if you're aware of certain traps, does that make them avoidable, or are they inevitable?

Or is it contradictory to believe in breaking the rules when necessary, but still establish rules for yourself?

For someone who's not religious in the least, why is it that a good percentage of the songs that really kick me in the soul are about god or heaven?

God Only Knows - The Beach Boys (ok...it's more about love than god)
Heaven is 10 Zillion Light Years Away - Stevie Wonder
Have a Talk with God - Stevie Wonder

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blackjack & 13

In any tough break-up (especially those who have been together for a long time and lived together), no matter who initiates the idea of moving on, each side will experience moments of sadness and loneliness. Sadness that the companion you once had is no longer around. That person who was there when you needed them to be, is no longer allowed to be a support system to you.

It's usually when life deals you one more bad card to add to the hand you're already playing with. In Blackjack, that bad card usually causes a bust. You're over your limit, and you wish you could go back and erase that hand. In life, sometimes that card makes you say uncle, when that one more added stress can make you think everything was better as it was before you played that hand.

So in this analogy, I'm holding 16 in my hand. Then I was dealt Friday the 13th.


Let's just say that wrecking my fancy sports car into a guardrail should have made me hit rock bottom. It could have been the one straw that made the load too heavy. Oddly enough...it didn't.

Unfortunate event? Yes.
But I surprisingly feel completely unaffected by it. Not once did it even go through my head that I was making any mistake by moving on, and playing the hand I was dealt. I'm truly blown away. I hold a new burden, heaped on top of the already existing burden, and not even for a second do I feel like asking the wrong person to help carry it.

Here, Friday the 13th couldn't leave well enough alone, and it bites me in the ass. Yet I sit here and I'm feeling pretty good.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independent's Day

Been feeling pretty alive recently. The last two days have been no exception. Here's a not-so-brief (but not even complete) recount of some highlights that could make for a decent 4th of July:

• being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem happy you’re there.
• learning that 2 drunk people holding a camera together does not make a tripod worthy of nighttime photos
• not caring that the said nighttime photos sucked, but caring that the 2 drunk people were having fun anyway
• offering help to 3 different friends in one night, and having one of them take you up on it
• being invited to a party with close friends, but having to miss it, and calling to let them know why, and getting their understanding and love anyway
• being invited to and having brunch with friends you’ve only really known for short time, and realizing they’re gracious people who seem genuinely happy that you’re there
• seeing a staple parade in the heart of your city that you’ve been meaning to check out for years
• walking back from the parade for blocks and blocks in a downpour with your friends
• enjoying the downpour and drenched-to-the-core aesthetic as something memorable, rather than letting it ruin a perfect day
• ignoring the fact that you’re wet and uncomfortable and cold, and going to a bar anyway. Soaked.
• stopping for a sandwich at a place that would rather send you off with a free meal, than have you wait for their credit card machine to start working as you stand there dripping and cold
• enjoying the benefits of a hot shower in July
• getting 15 minutes of much needed sleep with your dog next to you, before you left for the next party
• once again, being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem genuinely happy you’re there.
• running into someone you went to high school with but didn’t really know well, and having what is really a new acquaintance feel like a long lost re-acquaintance.
• having someone you barely know recognize the chemistry between you and one of your best friends, and having that person assume that connection like that is only achieved after having known each other most of your lives. while in fact you've only known this friend for a year and a half.
• and yet one more time, being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem genuinely happy you’re there.
• seeing the friends who left each other wet and cold earlier, dried-off looking well and having a good time together
• running into someone you went to high school with but didn’t really know well, who remembers you for some of the things you’re most proud of from that time in your life.
• not letting the party end when the party ends
• being with the one other person who wasn’t willing to let their 4th of July be over yet, and being determined to find somewhere for a drink, even if only for an hour
• establishing the rule that you’re only allowed to go somewhere you’ve both never been
• realizing that the whole idea of that rule pretty much summed up the last 2 days perfectly, and that the unpredictable is often what makes living so worthwhile
• waking up early for work the next day exhausted, and knowing that you experienced a 4th of July that easily trumped your best memories any other 4th of July.