Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independent's Day

Been feeling pretty alive recently. The last two days have been no exception. Here's a not-so-brief (but not even complete) recount of some highlights that could make for a decent 4th of July:

• being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem happy you’re there.
• learning that 2 drunk people holding a camera together does not make a tripod worthy of nighttime photos
• not caring that the said nighttime photos sucked, but caring that the 2 drunk people were having fun anyway
• offering help to 3 different friends in one night, and having one of them take you up on it
• being invited to a party with close friends, but having to miss it, and calling to let them know why, and getting their understanding and love anyway
• being invited to and having brunch with friends you’ve only really known for short time, and realizing they’re gracious people who seem genuinely happy that you’re there
• seeing a staple parade in the heart of your city that you’ve been meaning to check out for years
• walking back from the parade for blocks and blocks in a downpour with your friends
• enjoying the downpour and drenched-to-the-core aesthetic as something memorable, rather than letting it ruin a perfect day
• ignoring the fact that you’re wet and uncomfortable and cold, and going to a bar anyway. Soaked.
• stopping for a sandwich at a place that would rather send you off with a free meal, than have you wait for their credit card machine to start working as you stand there dripping and cold
• enjoying the benefits of a hot shower in July
• getting 15 minutes of much needed sleep with your dog next to you, before you left for the next party
• once again, being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem genuinely happy you’re there.
• running into someone you went to high school with but didn’t really know well, and having what is really a new acquaintance feel like a long lost re-acquaintance.
• having someone you barely know recognize the chemistry between you and one of your best friends, and having that person assume that connection like that is only achieved after having known each other most of your lives. while in fact you've only known this friend for a year and a half.
• and yet one more time, being invited to a party with people you don’t really know, and showing up to meet gracious new friends who seem genuinely happy you’re there.
• seeing the friends who left each other wet and cold earlier, dried-off looking well and having a good time together
• running into someone you went to high school with but didn’t really know well, who remembers you for some of the things you’re most proud of from that time in your life.
• not letting the party end when the party ends
• being with the one other person who wasn’t willing to let their 4th of July be over yet, and being determined to find somewhere for a drink, even if only for an hour
• establishing the rule that you’re only allowed to go somewhere you’ve both never been
• realizing that the whole idea of that rule pretty much summed up the last 2 days perfectly, and that the unpredictable is often what makes living so worthwhile
• waking up early for work the next day exhausted, and knowing that you experienced a 4th of July that easily trumped your best memories any other 4th of July.


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